Converting Percentages To Fractions
Converting Percentages To Fractions. Convert percents to fractions to convert a percent to a fraction follow these steps: 100 x 10 = 1000.
Click through the slideshow to learn how to convert a percent into a fraction. Every percentage can be converted into its equivalent fraction. Convert 3 16 to percent.
Converting Between Percents, Fractions, & Decimals.
To convert decimal percent to fraction, follow the steps given below. If the percent is not a whole number, then multiply both top and bottom by 10 for every number after the decimal point. In the 2nd worksheet, they are also asked to simplify the resulting fraction.
The Printable Worksheets In This Page Include Practice Skills In Converting Between Fraction, Decimal And Percent.
Multiply by 100 to get percent value: Write down the percent divided by 100 like this: Practice writing percents as fractions.
Multiply Both Numerator And Denominator By 10.
Before converting percents to fractions, we should know about percents and fractions. 83/100) reduce the fraction if needed. 20% is equal to 1/5.
In These Worksheets Students Convert Percents To Fractions.
In the last worksheet, students convert the percent to a decimal as well as a fraction. For example, convert 30% to a simplified fraction. Consider the percentage value of 7.5%.
Make A Fraction With The Percent As The Numerator And 100 As The Denominator (E.g.
You can practice with percents in our introduction to percentages lesson. Drop the decimal point of the numerator. 100 x 10 = 1000.